How the CW20-Reflection Standard is Changing the Game for Developers on Injective Blockchain

Prateek Tripathi
7 min readMay 24, 2024


Injective, a lightning-fast and compliant Layer 1 blockchain, is carving out a significant niche in the realm of DeFi applications within the Web3 space. A recent groundbreaking collaboration between Injective and DojoSwap has led to the development of the CW20-reflection standard, tailormade for developers navigating both the Injective and Cosmos ecosystems. This standard, drawing inspiration from its EVM equivalents, offers a novel approach in the creation and functionality of tokens, blending the traditional CW20 capabilities with advanced tax and reflection mechanisms.

The CW20-reflection standard stands out by providing unprecedented flexibility and innovation in token design, allowing for a wide range of taxed and reflection tokens. These tokens can support unique economic models through customizable tax parameters, showcasing the potential to significantly impact the Injective Ecosystem by encouraging the creation of financial primitives that cater to dynamic market and user demand. With low transaction costs as a cornerstone, Injective Blockchain becomes an ideal platform for the adoption of these inventive tokens, promising a vibrant future for developers and users alike within the DeFi landscape.

Understanding the CW20-Reflection Standard

At its core, the CW20-reflection standard is a flexible tool for developers, enabling the creation of innovative tokens on the Injective Blockchain. This standard is particularly noteworthy for several reasons:

Customizable Tax Settings: Developers have the liberty to set tax rates on transactions, which can be adjusted to fit the economic model of the token. This feature offers a way to create a sustainable ecosystem by redistributing or reallocating resources in a manner that supports the token’s long-term growth.

Compatibility and Integration:

  • Seamlessly integrates with the existing CW20 standard, enhancing its utility across decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and automated market makers (AMMs).
  • Designed to be compatible with both automated and traditional order book exchanges, broadening its applicability.

Innovative Token Types:

  • Supports the creation of taxed tokens and reflection tokens, where taxes collected can be used in various ways, such as buying back tokens or contributing to a project’s treasury.
  • Allows for the development of tokens that share protocol fees with users, fostering a more engaged and rewarded community.

This standard opens up a realm of possibilities for developers within the Injective ecosystem to explore novel financial products and services, making it a cornerstone for the next wave of DeFi innovations.

How the CW20-Reflection Standard Works

The CW20-Reflection Standard operates under two main frameworks, catering to the innovative needs of developers on the Injective Blockchain:

  1. Pure Taxed Token:

Every token transfer involves a tax. This tax can either be:

  • Burned: Effectively reducing the total supply of the token, potentially increasing its value over time.
  • Sent to a Treasury Contract: Funds can be allocated for project development, community initiatives, or other purposes as decided by the token governance.
  1. Reflection Token:
  • Taxes collected from transactions are not burned or stored but are instead used to purchase a target token from decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like DojoSwap.
  • These acquired tokens are then distributed among the holders of the reflection token, creating a passive income stream.

Developers leveraging the CW20-Reflection Standard have the liberty to adjust tax rates, specify target tokens for acquisition, and even exempt certain addresses from being taxed. This flexibility allows for the creation of tokens that can adapt to various economic models and community needs. For instance, a project could set higher taxes during its initial launch phase to accumulate a treasury quickly and then lower the taxes as the project becomes self-sustaining.

Moreover, the standard encourages the development of financial primitives that are responsive to market dynamics and user demand. By mixing and matching these functionalities, developers can craft unique tokenomics models that support the growth and sustainability of their projects on the Injective Blockchain.

Benefits for Developers

For developers embarking on projects within the DeFi space, the Injective Blockchain, with its CW20-Reflection Standard, offers a host of benefits that are hard to overlook. Here’s a breakdown of the key advantages:

Cost Efficiency:

  • Lowest Fees: Among all major Layer 1 (L1) networks, Injective stands out for having the lowest fees. This is particularly beneficial for the deployment and operation of new tokens, including those utilizing the CW20-Reflection Standard.
  • Minimal Gas Fees: Reflecting tokens often involve complex transactions. Fortunately, Injective’s gas fees are the lowest among major blockchains, making it economically viable for developers to implement reflection mechanisms without worrying about prohibitive costs.

Interoperability and Flexibility:

  • LayerZero Integration: Developers can create OApps that not only interact within the Injective ecosystem but also across various networks supported by Layer Zero. This opens up a world of possibilities for cross-chain functionalities and asset utilization.
  • IBC Integration: Thanks to Injective’s integration with the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, developers gain access to a wide range of assets, from Ethereum native tokens to those across the Cosmos universe. This enhances the scope for creating diverse financial applications.

Innovation in Tokenomics:

  • Encouragement to Experiment: The CW20-Reflection Standard is not just a tool but an invitation for developers to explore new tokenomics models. This could lead to the creation of more engaging, sustainable, and financially viable DeFi applications.
  • Open to All: This standard is accessible to any developer in the Injective and Cosmos ecosystems, democratizing the ability to innovate within the DeFi space.

By leveraging these benefits, developers are equipped to push the boundaries of what’s possible in decentralized finance, creating solutions that are not only economically efficient but also wide-reaching and innovative.

Impact on the Injective Ecosystem

The introduction of the CW20-reflection standard on the Injective Blockchain marks a pivotal moment in the ecosystem’s evolution, especially for developers and users interested in DeFi applications. Here’s a closer look at its impact:

Fostering Innovation and Adoption:

  • Injective’s adoption of financial primitives and open standards, including the CW20-reflection standard, is a clear signal of its commitment to fostering innovation. This environment encourages developers to experiment with new token economics and user engagement strategies, potentially leading to a richer variety of applications and increased token usage on the platform.

Economic Efficiency:

  • The significant reduction in transaction costs, highlighted by the Volan mainnet upgrade where costs plummeted from over $40 on Ethereum to less than $0.03 on Injective, is a game-changer. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for reflection tokens, which typically consume higher gas fees due to their complex transaction nature.

Enhanced Liquidity and Developer Accessibility:

  • With its low fees and high trading liquidity, Injective is an attractive platform for deploying reflection type token standards. The collaboration with DojoSwap not only simplifies the process of creating flexible tokens but also paves the way for a diverse array of applications. This move is expected to draw more developers to the ecosystem, enhancing Injective’s position as a leading financial hub and a go-to Layer 1 blockchain for finance.

This strategic direction not only strengthens Injective’s ecosystem but also sets a new standard in token development and economic models within the DeFi space.

First Implementations and Use Cases

The first implementation of the CW20-reflection standard has revolutionized token development on the Injective Blockchain, with DojoSwap leading the charge. This native Automated Market Maker (AMM) Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on Injective has been a testing ground for the standard, showcasing its potential through the creation of the BabyDojo token. This token exemplifies the innovative capabilities of the CW20-reflection standard by:

  • Redistributing Fees: BabyDojo takes all the fees generated by DojoSwap and redistributes them among its holders. This approach not only rewards users but also introduces a speculative aspect to the token, encouraging more active participation in the exchange.
  • Guaranteed Fee Generation: By promising to generate more fees in exchange for the DEX, BabyDojo offers a sustainable model for continuous growth and incentivization within the Injective ecosystem.

Injective and DojoSwap’s collaboration has set a new benchmark in token development. By co-creating the CW20-reflection standard, they’ve enabled the creation of tokens that can share protocol commissions with users. This not only enhances the trading experience by making it more rewarding but also opens up new avenues for developers to explore customizable token parameters. The CW20-reflection standard represents a significant leap forward, paving the way for more innovative and user-centric financial products on the Injective Blockchain.


The advent of the CW20-reflection standard in the Injective ecosystem symbolizes a dynamic shift towards a more innovative and flexible framework for token development, effectively melding progressive economic models with the rapidly evolving DeFi space. This initiative not only paves the way for developers to experiment with new forms of tokenomics but also propels the Injective Blockchain into a promising future where accessibility, efficiency, and user engagement take center stage. By fostering an environment conducive to creativity and financial inclusivity, the standard assures a more enriched user experience, promising substantial growth and vivacity within the DeFi community.

Looking forward, the implications of this developmental leap are profound, projecting a surge in both the quality and variety of financial products available on the Injective Blockchain. As developers and users alike delve into the potentialities unlocked by the CW20-reflection standard, the ecosystem is poised to witness an unprecedented swell in innovative financial applications. This evolutionary step not only accentuates the blockchain’s commitment to fostering groundbreaking financial solutions but also underscores the indispensable role of adaptability and user engagement in sculpting the future of decentralized finance. By encapsulating these principles, the CW20-reflection standard sets a new benchmark for token development, reinforcing Injective’s stature as a formidable force in the DeFi landscape.



Prateek Tripathi

Introducing Prateek Tripathi, a tech-savvy individual with a passion for all things crypto, blockchain, and coding.