inEVM: A Gateway to Cross-Chain Interoperability for Ethereum Dapps

Prateek Tripathi
11 min readSep 23, 2023


Have you ever wished your Ethereum dapp could tap into liquidity and features on other blockchains? As an Ethereum developer, you’ve built an innovative dapp but feel limited by being locked into the Ethereum ecosystem. What if there was a way to expand your reach and achieve true cross-chain composability? Enter inEVM, Injective’s groundbreaking solution enabling Ethereum dapps and DeFi protocols to operate on multiple blockchains.

With inEVM, you now have a gateway to build dapps that can harness the unique benefits of different networks. Your users gain access to new markets and your dapp gains exposure to new audiences. In this article, we’ll explore how inEVM works under the hood and how you can leverage it to take your dapp to the next level. The future is cross-chain, and inEVM provides the tools for Ethereum developers to lead the way.

Introducing inEVM: A New Frontier for Ethereum Developers

Introducing a Whole New Frontier for Ethereum Developers

If you’re an Ethereum developer, inEVM opens up a whole new world of possibilities. With this innovative Ethereum Virtual Machine, you can now deploy your dApps on Injective’s hyper-scalable rollup infrastructure.

What does this mean for you? For starters, ultra-fast transaction speeds thanks to inEVM’s parallelized design. We’re talking sub-second finality so your users enjoy a seamless experience. inEVM also gives you a robust set of tools to build with, and your dApp will have access to shared liquidity across the Injective network.

Best of all, true interoperability is now a reality. Your dApp can integrate directly with applications on Cosmos and Solana, creating a cohesive user experience across blockchains. Forget about network fragmentation — with inEVM, you can tap into Injective’s huge global community.

The opportunities for growth and expansion are endless. inEVM empowers you to swiftly deploy your dApp to new users, increase traffic, and boost revenue potential. And thanks to inEVM’s modular design, integrating new features is a breeze.

Injective is all about driving innovation and collaboration in blockchain. With the launch of inEVM, Ethereum developers now have the freedom to build without limits. Isn’t it time you explored the new frontier of multi-VM development? Injective and inEVM are ready to take your dApp where no Ethereum dApp has gone before.

Key Features of inEVM: Speed, Finality, Modularity and More

If you’re an Ethereum developer, inEVM opens up a whole new world of possibilities. This groundbreaking Ethereum rollup solution provides a gateway to achieve true interoperability across blockchains.

Speed and Finality

inEVM utilizes a parallelized architecture that enables ultra-fast transaction speeds and instant finality. Your dApps will operate smoothly without delays.

Modular Toolkit

The inEVM toolkit has everything you need to build and scale your dApps. Use familiar tools like Truffle, Hardhat and OpenZeppelin and easily port your existing dApps over.

Shared Liquidity

Tap into Injective’s deep liquidity pools and growing user base. Your dApps will have access to aggregated liquidity across the Injective ecosystem.


Achieve composability across the IBC universe and Solana. Seamlessly integrate with dApps on Cosmos and Solana, expanding your reach.


Injective has plans to decentralize inEVM using solutions like Altlayer and Espresso Systems. This will further secure and strengthen the network.

inEVM opens up an expansive new development environment where dApps can harness the power of Ethereum and benefit from a fast, decentralized and interoperable framework. If you’re ready to take your dApps to the next level, inEVM provides a robust solution to build, scale and achieve true composability. The future of multi-chain development is here — are you ready to onboard?

Cross-Chain Composability: Connecting Ethereum, Cosmos and Solana

Cross-chain composability is crucial for dApps to achieve mainstream adoption and scale. With inEVM, Ethereum developers now have a gateway to connect with the wider blockchain universe, gaining access to new networks and liquidity pools.

Seamless Deployment

Deploying your dApp on inEVM is a breeze. Thanks to inEVM’s modular toolkit, you can leverage Solidity to quickly port your Ethereum dApp over without significant code changes. inEVM handles the complexity of cross-chain communication, so you can focus on building.

Instant Finality

Say goodbye to long wait times. inEVM leverages parallelized rollup technology to achieve instant transaction finality. Users of your dApp will enjoy a lightening fast experience without frustrating delays.

Shared Liquidity

Once deployed on inEVM, your dApp will have access to Injective’s deep liquidity pools and trading volume across the Injective DEX. Tap into a wider base of users and benefit from network effects that drive demand and usage of your dApp.

True Composability

The key benefit of inEVM is composability across blockchains. Your dApp can integrate with protocols across Cosmos, Solana and Ethereum, creating new opportunities for collaboration and interoperability. Build powerful new dApps that span VM environments, without the usual barriers.

Decentralized Future

Injective plans to decentralize inEVM over time using solutions like Altlayer and Espresso Systems to decentralize sequencers and validators. This will make inEVM an open platform run and secured by the community.

inEVM opens up a new world of possibilities for Ethereum developers. By overcoming the limitations of a single chain, inEVM paves the way for dApps to achieve mainstream adoption and true composability across the blockchain multiverse. The future is multi-chain, and inEVM provides the bridge to get there.

Unlocking New Opportunities and User Bases for Ethereum dApps

Unlocking New Opportunities and User Bases for Ethereum dApps

Injective’s inEVM enables Ethereum developers to tap into an expansive new user base and access greater opportunities. By deploying your dApps on inEVM, you open them up to Injective’s global network and community. This allows you to reach more people and drive greater adoption of your protocols.

inEVM provides ultra-fast transaction speeds thanks to its parallelized structure. It also offers instant finality so you know transactions are secure right away. The modular toolkit gives you powerful plug-and-play modules for building unmatched dApps with ease. You also get shared liquidity across networks and true composability with Cosmos and Solana.

Your dApps on inEVM can connect directly with applications on Cosmos and Solana. This results in a seamless developer experience without the usual complexities and obstacles. Both interoperability within inEVM and across other VMs is achieved.

Injective has been leading innovation in Web3. inEVM is poised to change how Ethereum developers work with blockchains. It gives you access to new realms of possibility to scale your dApps.

Some of the major benefits of building on inEVM include:

  • Access to Injective’s global network and user base. Reach more people and drive greater adoption.
  • Ultra-fast speeds and instant finality. Know your transactions are secure right away.
  • A modular toolkit for creating unmatched dApps easily. Powerful plug-and-play modules.
  • Shared liquidity across networks. Tap into greater liquidity.
  • True composability with Cosmos and Solana. Connect directly with dApps on other networks.
  • A seamless developer experience. Avoid the usual complexities and barriers. Interoperability within inEVM and across VMs.
  • New opportunities to expand the reach of your protocols. Take your dApps to the next level.

Injective continues to lead the way in Web3 finance. inEVM allows Ethereum developers to join in and access new realms of possibility. Scale your dApps and reach more users than ever before. The future of decentralized finance is here.

How inEVM Enables Seamless Multi-Vm Development

As an Ethereum developer, inEVM opens up exciting new possibilities for your dApps. With inEVM, you can deploy your smart contracts and build interfaces that span multiple blockchain networks, achieving a level of interoperability never before possible.

Seamless Development Across Networks

inEVM allows you to develop dApps that work seamlessly across Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana. No longer do you have to choose a single network to build on or undergo major code rewrites to expand to new chains. inEVM provides a modular toolkit so you can easily adapt your dApps to work on any supported network.

Access Wider Audiences and Liquidity Pools

By deploying on inEVM, your dApps and protocols gain access to new audiences across all connected networks. Users from Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana can all access your dApps, allowing you to tap into diverse liquidity pools. This helps increase adoption, daily active users, and transaction volume for your projects.

Faster Speeds and Finality

inEVM leverages a parallelized infrastructure to achieve faster transaction speeds and instant finality. Your dApps benefit from a more responsive user experience without compromising decentralization or security. Transactions on inEVM settle instantly, so users can take action on transfers, trades or other events right away without waiting for block confirmations.

The Future of Cross-Chain Development

inEVM represents the future of blockchain development. As an Ethereum developer, you’re now empowered to build sophisticated dApps that span multiple networks, access new liquidity pools and audiences, and leverage faster performance — all from a single development environment. inEVM paves the way for unprecedented innovation as developers gain more flexibility and freedom to compose dynamic dApps. The possibilities for new cross-chain applications are endless!

inEVM unlocks a new realm of opportunities for Ethereum developers. By deploying your dApps on inEVM, you can achieve true composability and interoperability, expanding your reach and impact across the broader crypto ecosystem. The future of multi-chain development starts now with inEVM.

Technical Details: Parallelized Structure and Shared Liquidity

The inEVM network features a parallelized structure that provides instant transaction finality and shared liquidity across chains.

Parallelized Structure

The inEVM network is built on a parallelized rollup architecture, meaning that transactions are processed in parallel across multiple sequencers. This allows inEVM to achieve throughput far beyond Ethereum’s native capabilities.

Instant Transaction Finality

Thanks to its parallelized design, inEVM offers instant transaction finality. Transactions are immediately finalized once included in a block, eliminating the long confirmation times associated with the Ethereum mainnet. For dApp developers and users, this means a significantly improved experience without frustrating delays.

Shared Liquidity

Perhaps most exciting is inEVM’s shared liquidity feature. dApps deployed on inEVM will have access to liquidity pools across the entire Injective ecosystem, including Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana. This groundbreaking innovation will unlock unprecedented capital efficiency for dApps, allowing them to tap into a vast, aggregated pool of funds.

For Ethereum developers, inEVM opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. With access to Injective’s global user base and shared liquidity model, dApps can achieve a level of adoption and composability never before possible. inEVM provides a simple, seamless way for developers to expand into new markets and connect with users across networks. This interoperability and shared access are poised to drive massive growth in Web3, establishing Injective as a leader in blockchain innovation.

Real-World Use Cases and dApp Integration Possibilities

Injective’s inEVM opens up a world of possibilities for Ethereum dApp developers looking to expand into new markets. With inEVM, your dApps can achieve true interoperability across multiple blockchain networks, allowing you to tap into new liquidity pools and reach more users.

Say you’ve built an innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) on Ethereum. Traditionally, your users would be limited to only trading ERC-20 tokens. But by deploying your DEX on inEVM, you’ve instantly unlocked the ability for traders to swap tokens across Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana — all from a single interface. Your DEX can now offer many more trading pairs, leading to a massive boost in volume and revenue.

Or imagine you’ve created a popular Ethereum-based lending protocol. By bridging to inEVM, lenders and borrowers from outside Ethereum can now access your protocol, bringing an influx of new capital that significantly improves rates for all users. Your lending market becomes much more efficient, and you’ve found a way to scale far beyond Ethereum alone.

For gaming dApps, inEVM provides access to a combined user base from multiple chains, which helps solve the “ghost town” problem that plagues many blockchain games. By launching on inEVM, your game can tap into a built-in, active player base from day one.

The possibilities don’t end there. Decentralized finance (DeFi) tools like aggregators, portfolio trackers, and data analytics dApps could all benefit from a multi-chain solution. Artists and creators can leverage inEVM to promote their NFT collections to a wider audience across chains. The opportunities for growth are truly endless with inEVM.

Injective has created a solution that unlocks the power of blockchain interoperability for Ethereum developers. By building on inEVM, your dApps can achieve seamless composability across networks, tap into shared liquidity, and reach more users than ever before. The future of dApp development is multi-chain, and with inEVM, Ethereum developers have a gateway to expand into that future.

The Road Ahead: Decentralizing inEVM and Driving Web3 Collaboration

The launch of inEVM opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for Ethereum developers. You now have access to Injective’s expansive network and broad user base, enabling you to scale your dApps to new heights.

With inEVM, you can deploy your Solidity-based applications across Injective’s rollups and tap into shared liquidity and composability across blockchains. Your dApps will operate at lightning speed thanks to inEVM’s parallelized structure and achieve instant finality. inEVM also provides a modular toolkit to simplify development.

Most exciting of all, inEVM enables true interoperability between Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana. DApps built on inEVM can integrate directly with applications on Cosmos and Solana, achieving both inter- and intra-VM connectivity. This seamless experience removes the traditional barriers and complexities involved in developing across blockchains.

Injective has been at the forefront of innovation in Web3, and inEVM is set to transform how Ethereum developers engage with the wider blockchain universe. The future is bright as Injective continues decentralizing inEVM and collaborating to drive Web3 adoption.

There are plans underway to decentralize inEVM’s sequencers and validators using solutions like Altlayer and Espresso Systems. Injective’s mission is to democratize finance by promoting decentralization across networks. inEVM acts as the bridge connecting Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana, enabling developers to quickly launch dApps across environments and providing a cohesive Web3 experience for users.

Collaboration, not competition, is key to the growth of Web3. inEVM is a game-changer that allows Ethereum developers to harness the power of Solidity to seamlessly deploy applications across Injective’s rollups and access new networks, liquidity, and users. The possibilities are endless! What will you build?

inEVM FAQs: Common Questions From Ethereum Developers

So you’ve built an amazing dApp on Ethereum and now you’re wondering how to expand into other blockchain networks. inEVM opens the door to true interoperability, allowing Ethereum developers like yourself to deploy solidity smart contracts and access liquidity across multiple VMs.

What exactly is inEVM?

Injective’s inEVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) is the first EVM environment that achieves composability across Cosmos and Solana. Built in collaboration with Caldera, inEVM provides Ethereum developers access to Injective’s fast, interoperable network. Some of the major benefits of building on inEVM include:

•Ultra-fast speeds: inEVM’s parallelized structure means lightning fast transaction times and instant finality.

•Modular toolkit: inEVM offers developers a robust set of tools and modules to build cutting-edge dApps with ease.

•Shared liquidity: dApps on inEVM can access Injective’s deep liquidity pools across all connected VMs.

•True composability: Builders can compose dApps across Cosmos, Solana, and Ethereum with inEVM. Both inter and intra-VM interoperability is seamless on inEVM.

•Low gas fees: inEVM significantly reduces gas costs for developers and users compared to layer 1 Ethereum.

How do I get started with inEVM?

If you’re ready to take your dApp to the next level with inEVM, here are the basic steps to get started:

  1. Make sure you have a solidity smart contract already deployed on Ethereum. inEVM supports most standard solidity functionality, so your contract should port over easily.
  2. Connect to the inEVM testnet and deploy your contract. This will allow you to test everything works as expected before mainnet launch.
  3. Integrate your frontend to connect to the inEVM network. You’ll need to point your web3 provider to inEVM endpoints.
  4. Launch on inEVM mainnet! Once testing is complete, deploy your contract to inEVM mainnet and open your dApp to Injective’s user base.
  5. Continue building. Use inEVM’s additional features like shared liquidity pools, governance modules, and more to enhance your dApp.

Injective is forging an integrated Web3 environment where collaboration is valued over competition. With inEVM, Ethereum developers now have the power to tap into this vision and connect with a vast network of users and protocols. The future of finance is multi-chain, and inEVM provides the gateway to this exciting new frontier.


So there you have it, Ethereum developers. With inEVM, you now have an easy way to make your dapps interoperable across blockchains and reach new users. No longer are you limited to just the Ethereum network and its user base. You can tap into the liquidity and activity of other chains and make your dapps more useful and valuable. inEVM opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your dapps in terms of functionality, scalability, and growth. The future is cross-chain, and inEVM puts that future in the hands of Ethereum developers. What will you build? The opportunities are endless.



Prateek Tripathi

Introducing Prateek Tripathi, a tech-savvy individual with a passion for all things crypto, blockchain, and coding.