Unlocking Billions: How Injective and Klaytn Are Priming South Korea’s DeFi Revolution

Prateek Tripathi
12 min readSep 5, 2023


Ever wonder why South Korea’s tech scene seems lightyears ahead? As one of the most digitally connected societies, South Korea is primed for crypto adoption. Yet strict regulations have locked much of the country out of decentralized finance — until now. Injective is teaming up with Klaytn, a public blockchain platform, to bring DeFi to over 50 million South Koreans.

This partnership could unlock billions in value. By integrating with Klaytn, Injective gains access to its massive network of users and partners in South Korea. Klaytn provides Injective a bridge to reach mainstream audiences in a country with major crypto interest but limited access. For South Koreans, it means an onramp to the world of decentralized finance through a trusted platform — and the ability to tap into crypto without relying on centralized institutions.

Between Injective’s DeFi expertise and Klaytn’s dominance in South Korea, this alliance could drive mainstream DeFi adoption in one of the world’s most digitally savvy economies. The potential is huge. South Korea has the infrastructure, digital literacy and appetite for crypto — it just needed a bridge. This could be the key that unlocks decentralized finance for millions of South Koreans, and billions of dollars in value along with it. The DeFi revolution has come to South Korea.

South Korea: The World’s Most Digital Economy

South Korea is one of the most technologically advanced and digitally connected countries in the world. With widespread internet access, a tech-savvy population, and infrastructure optimized for digital services, South Korea is poised to become a leader in decentralized finance (DeFi).

Klaytn, a blockchain platform developed by Korean internet giant Kakao, provides the ideal gateway for DeFi projects to access this promising market. Klaytn’s native token KLAY is one of the most widely held digital assets in South Korea, and its blockchain processes over 5 million transactions per day, demonstrating substantial scale and real-world usage.

Injective, a decentralized derivatives exchange, recognized Klaytn’s potential and integrated the network to expand into South Korea. Their partnership provides Injective access to Klaytn’s large user base and enables Klaytn users to trade perpetual swaps and futures contracts with maximum capital efficiency.

  • Expanding Access to New Markets

Integrating with Klaytn allows Injective to tap into an entirely new market and user base. Klaytn’s millions of users can now access Injective’s trading platform directly, without needing to own or trade mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Injective benefits from increased trading volume and liquidity, while Klaytn users gain exposure to new financial products.

  • Enabling New Use Cases

Decentralized finance relies on open access and interoperability. By integrating Klaytn, Injective makes their trading platform accessible to mainstream users and enables new DeFi use cases on Klaytn like trading perpetual swaps or lending and borrowing crypto assets. These new capabilities can drive further adoption of Klaytn and showcase the potential of DeFi.

The partnership between Injective and Klaytn highlights the opportunity for DeFi projects to tap into South Korea’s digital economy. With the right infrastructure and local partnerships, innovative fintech companies can gain mainstream adoption and unlock billions in value. South Korea may just prove to be the gateway to crypto’s global ascent.

Understanding Klaytn: Korea’s Leading Public Blockchain

Klaytn is South Korea’s largest public blockchain platform, launched in June 2019 by Korea’s largest mobile platform Kakao. As the blockchain arm of Kakao, Klaytn leverages the tech giant’s 50 million monthly active users to bring blockchain to the masses.

Connecting with Klaytn

For Injective, integrating with Klaytn means tapping into an entirely new market in one of the world’s most digitally advanced economies. Klaytn’s user base gives Injective exposure to millions of potential new traders, allowing the DEX to boost liquidity and trade volume.

Klaytn offers a hybrid blockchain that combines the best of private and public chains. Its “hub and spoke” model features a public mainnet and private sidechains, enabling enterprises to build blockchain solutions with data privacy and network isolation. Klaytn supports EVM compatible smart contracts and familiar web3 APIs, so projects can easily migrate from Ethereum to Klaytn.

Why Klaytn in Korea?

South Korea ranks among the top countries for blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption. Dubbed the “Crypto Nation”, Korea’s tech-savvy population eagerly embraces new technologies. Cryptocurrency exchanges, blockchain startups, and crypto funds abound in Korea.

Klaytn recognizes this potential and aims to accelerate mainstream blockchain adoption in Korea. They work with Korean conglomerates like Samsung, LG, and SK to explore blockchain use cases. Klaytn’s Klip wallet has over 2 million users, and their NFT platform Klaytnscope ranks as a top NFT marketplace.

For Injective, Klaytn provides an ideal gateway into this crypto-fluent market. By integrating with Klaytn, Injective can tap into the high demand for decentralized trading from Korean users and position itself as the leading DEX on Korea’s largest public blockchain.

How Injective Links TradFi and DeFi

By integrating with Klaytn, Injective can tap into South Korea’s bustling crypto market and link traditional finance (TradFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

Bridging Centralized and Decentralized

As a decentralized exchange, Injective enables peer-to-peer trading of digital assets. But unlike other DEXs, Injective also provides a centralized exchange (CEX) interface. This allows mainstream traders to access DeFi markets with a familiar user experience. For the crypto-curious in South Korea, Injective’s CEX-DEX hybrid model is the perfect onramp to decentralized trading.

Accessing New Assets and Liquidity

By connecting to Klaytn, Injective opens up new trading opportunities for Klaytn community members. Injective currently supports 50+ crypto assets, including major coins like BTC, ETH, and KLAY as well as DeFi blue chips like UNI, AAVE, and COMP. Injective also features deep liquidity across all trading pairs, with 24-hour trading volumes often surpassing $100M.

For the Klaytn ecosystem, Injective represents a new source of liquidity and exposure. Projects building on Klaytn can list their tokens on Injective to access a wider base of traders and investors. The additional liquidity also makes Klaytn a more attractive platform for new projects. It’s a win-win for both Injective and Klaytn.

A Bright Future

Looking ahead, Injective and Klaytn have ambitious plans to further boost the adoption of decentralized trading in South Korea. Some possibilities include:

  • Integrating Klaytn’s Klip wallet to make onboarding even easier.
  • Supporting Klaytn-based stablecoins and synthetics.
  • Joint marketing and education campaigns to raise awareness of DeFi’s benefits.
  • Incubating new crypto startups through the Klaytn Growth Fund and Injective Labs.

With Injective as a bridge between centralized and decentralized markets, and Klaytn as a portal to South Korea’s tech-savvy users, the future of crypto in Asia’s fourth-largest economy looks very bright indeed. The TradFi-DeFi linkup is primed to unlock billions in new capital and fuel further innovation.

The Power of Partnership: Klaytn and Injective

The partnership between Injective and Klaytn is a match made in blockchain heaven. By integrating with Klaytn, Injective gains access to South Korea’s massive crypto community.

South Korea is one of the world’s most digitally connected countries. An estimated 33 million South Koreans, well over half the population, own cryptocurrency. South Koreans trade more bitcoin than any other country, and crypto fever has led to the rise of “crypto towns” filled with blockchain startups.

Klaytn is South Korea’s dominant public blockchain platform. Developed by internet giant Kakao, Klaytn has over 50 million users and handles millions of blockchain transactions per day. By building on Klaytn, Injective can tap into this enormous network effect.

Injective’s decentralized exchange and DeFi platform will allow Klaytn users to trade crypto assets in a secure, low-cost way. Injective offers margin trading, derivatives, and other advanced features not found on most centralized Korean exchanges. For Klaytn, the partnership provides an easy on-ramp for its users to access DeFi.

It’s a win-win. Injective gains exposure, users, and trading volume. Klaytn strengthens its DeFi ecosystem and can offer its users more robust trading services. Together, Injective and Klaytn are priming South Korea’s DeFi revolution.

With the world watching South Korea’s crypto scene, the Injective-Klaytn partnership is sure to drive major growth for both platforms. Keep an eye on this duo — they have the potential to unlock billions in new crypto and DeFi activity.

The future is bright for decentralized finance in South Korea. And it’s Injective and Klaytn leading the charge.

Expanding Access to DeFi in South Korea

Injective’s partnership with Klaytn now gives more South Koreans access to decentralized finance (DeFi). By integrating with Klaytn, Injective expands its reach to capture South Korea’s tech-savvy population and fast-growing crypto market.

With over 50 million users, South Korea is one of the world’s most digitally connected societies. An estimated 30–40% of South Koreans own cryptocurrency, the highest rate globally. However, strict regulations have limited locals’ access to DeFi — until now. Building on Klaytn, a public blockchain focused on user experience, Injective offers South Koreans an easy onramp to DeFi through a familiar platform and local stablecoin (KLAY).

Accessible and Intuitive

Injective’s decentralized exchange (DEX) interface is simple to navigate for new crypto users. Klaytn’s large existing user base can now seamlessly access Injective to trade, lend, and borrow crypto assets. By accepting KLAY, Injective also allows people to participate in DeFi without volatility risk from other cryptocurrencies.

Rapid Growth Potential

South Korea’s substantial crypto market and Klaytn’s mainstream popularity present huge growth opportunities for Injective. With Klaytn handling over 3.5 million daily transactions, Injective can tap into an enormous volume of users and liquidity. Injective also gains brand visibility by partnering with Kakao’s Klaytn, a leading blockchain project.

Regulatory Compliance

Operating on Klaytn allows Injective to comply with South Korea’s strict crypto regulations. Klaytn is headquartered in Seoul and works closely with regulators, so projects built on Klaytn are well-positioned to navigate policy changes. By launching on Klaytn, Injective can focus on growth rather than regulatory issues.

Injective’s expansion into South Korea through Klaytn is a win-win for both projects and Korean crypto enthusiasts. By making DeFi more accessible, Injective can unlock greater financial empowerment and innovation in one of the world’s most digitally progressive societies. By tapping into Klaytn’s mainstream popularity, Injective gains a platform for rapid growth and a compliant path into a lucrative new market.

Real-World Use Cases for Injective in South Korea

With millions of mobile-savvy and crypto-curious citizens, South Korea is primed for mainstream decentralized finance (DeFi) adoption. By integrating with Klaytn, Injective can tap into this vast market. Here are a few ways Injective and Klaytn can enable real-world DeFi use cases in South Korea:

Peer-to-Peer Lending

South Koreans are avid peer-to-peer (P2P) lenders, with over $50 billion in P2P loans in 2020 alone. Injective’s permissionless and non-custodial exchange infrastructure is ideal for P2P lending dApps where individuals can lend crypto assets directly to others. Klaytn’s large user base provides ample liquidity for these lending pools.

Cross-Border Payments

Injective enables fast, low-cost cross-border crypto payments which are useful for South Korea’s large migrant and expatriate population. Klaytn’s global reach can bring Injective’s payment rails to more people worldwide. Remittance dApps built on Injective and Klaytn could save South Koreans thousands in fees when sending money abroad.


South Korea has a booming gaming industry, generating over $15 billion in revenue in 2020. In-game purchases and collectibles are ripe for tokenization. Injective’s decentralized exchange is suited for gaming dApps to list and trade virtual goods, gaming tokens, and NFTs. Klaytn’s gaming ecosystem partnerships provide access to millions of gamers who can tap into these new markets.

By leveraging Klaytn’s vast network, Injective has significant opportunities to enable mainstream DeFi use in South Korea’s digital economy. Injective’s open infrastructure combined with Klaytn’s reach could unlock crypto and DeFi for potentially billions of people. The future of finance in South Korea may very well be decentralized.

Regulatory Considerations for Crypto in South Korea

Crypto regulations in South Korea have been a rollercoaster ride. After initially banning ICOs in 2017, the government has cautiously opened the doors again to regulated exchanges and certain crypto activities. There are still uncertainties, but the overall direction is positive for crypto and blockchain in Korea.

As an investor in Klaytn and Injective, it’s important to understand the regulatory landscape. Some key things to know:

  • In early 2020, a new law legalized crypto exchanges and trading in Korea under strict AML/KYC regulations. Major exchanges like Upbit and Bithumb promptly registered and reopened. This was a big step forward.
  • ICOs (initial coin offerings) and other token sales are still banned under the Capital Markets Act. Only approved exchanges can facilitate the trading of listed cryptocurrencies.
  • The government classifies crypto assets as “virtual assets” or “digital assets”, not legal tender. They are treated as investment commodities.
  • Regulations are constantly evolving. Government agencies like the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) have formed dedicated crypto teams to develop policy.
  • Taxes on crypto apply to trading, mining, and payments. Capital gains taxes can be up to 22% for high-income traders.
  • Anonymity is not allowed. Exchanges must verify user identities and report suspicious activity. Privacy coins face more restrictions.
  • The blockchain industry has flourished despite a complex regulatory situation. Major Korean companies are investing in blockchain, especially for payments, supply chain, and authentication use cases. Government funding has also supported many blockchain startups.

While not as progressive as some countries, South Korea’s increasing openness to crypto bodes well for projects like Klaytn and Injective that provide compliant, regulated access. Close cooperation with authorities and a focus on consumer protection will be key to unlocking more opportunities in this digital economy. Overall, the future looks bright for crypto in Korea.

Major Players Driving DeFi Adoption in South Korea

When it comes to driving mainstream DeFi adoption in South Korea, two major players are poised to make a big impact: Klaytn and Injective.

Klaytn: Korea’s Dominant Public Blockchain

As Korea’s dominant public blockchain, Klaytn is uniquely positioned to onboard millions of users to DeFi. Created by Korean internet giant Kakao, Klaytn’s user base already includes KakaoTalk’s 50 million monthly users. By integrating DeFi into Kakao’s existing platforms, Klaytn can introduce DeFi to mainstream audiences on a massive scale.

Klaytn is also working to attract leading DeFi protocols and make them accessible to Korean users. For example, Klaytn recently partnered with Binance to list Klaytn-based versions of major DeFi tokens like UNI, CAKE, and SUSHI on Binance’s Korean exchange. By listing familiar DeFi assets that are tied to Klaytn, users can tap into DeFi without learning an entirely new blockchain.

Injective : A DeFi Gateway to Korea

Injective is a layer-1 blockchain built for finance. It is an open, interoperable blockchain that powers next-generation DeFi applications, including decentralized spot and derivatives exchanges, prediction markets, lending protocols. It recently integrated with Klaytn to expand into the Korean market. By bridging to Klaytn, Injective gives Klaytn users access to new DeFi opportunities like derivatives trading, lending, and yield farming.

For Injective, Klaytn represents a gateway into Korea’s vast market. Injective can tap into Klaytn’s existing user base to attract new traders, increase trading volume, and build greater liquidity. At the same time, Injective offers Klaytn a chance to provide its users with access to innovative DeFi products. It’s a win-win for DeFi adoption in South Korea.

With major players like Klaytn and Injective working to promote DeFi, South Korea is primed to become a hub for mainstream decentralized finance. By leveraging existing platforms and partnerships, Klaytn and Injective can unlock crypto’s potential in the world’s most digitally savvy economy. The future of DeFi in South Korea looks very bright indeed.

The Future of Blockchain and DeFi in South Korea

South Korea is poised to become a hub for blockchain innovation and decentralized finance. With pro-crypto regulations, a highly digitized economy, and growing interest in DeFi, the future looks bright.

Expanding Access

Injective’s partnership with Klaytn expands access to decentralized finance for users in South Korea. By integrating with Klaytn, Injective makes it easy for people to access DeFi apps and services using KLAY, Klaytn’s native token. This provides an on-ramp for South Koreans to participate in open finance without needing to own either.

With Klaytn handling the blockchain infrastructure, Injective can focus on building intuitive DeFi products for mainstream audiences. Their decentralized exchange already offers fast transaction speeds, low fees, and a simple user experience. Expanding to Klaytn opens these benefits to more people in South Korea and beyond.

Growth of DeFi in South Korea

DeFi has the potential for massive growth in South Korea’s digital economy. South Koreans are early adopters of new technologies and are interested in cryptocurrency. DeFi gives people more control over their money and access to global financial markets.

Major South Korean exchanges like Upbit and Bithumb have already integrated with Klaytn to provide liquidity for KLAY. As DeFi platforms like Injective build on Klaytn, more people will discover the benefits of decentralized finance.

With pro-blockchain regulations and Klaytn’s enterprise partnerships, South Korea’s biggest companies may also explore DeFi and blockchain solutions. This institutional interest would drive mainstream adoption at a large scale.

The Path Ahead

Klaytn and Injective are paving the way for decentralized finance in South Korea. By providing an easy on-ramp to DeFi using KLAY, they make open finance accessible to more people.

As Injective and other DeFi platforms expand to Klaytn, South Korea’s digital economy will have a chance to benefit from decentralized financial tools. With the country’s appetite for new technologies and interest in cryptocurrency, DeFi may find fertile ground to grow over the coming years.

The future of blockchain and DeFi in South Korea looks promising. Klaytn and Injective are priming the market for open finance to reach its full potential.


So there you have it. Injective and Klaytn have teamed up to unleash the power of DeFi in South Korea. With Klaytn’s connections and Injective’s technology, mainstream adoption of decentralized finance in Asia’s fourth-largest economy could happen sooner than you think. Keep an eye on these two — with their ambitions and the right partnerships, they might just kickstart a new era of open finance that transforms how you invest, trade, and build wealth. The future is decentralized, and for South Korea, the future starts now.

Thanks for Reading



Prateek Tripathi

Introducing Prateek Tripathi, a tech-savvy individual with a passion for all things crypto, blockchain, and coding.